Trust Fund Baby: Directed by Laurent Sky. With Sophia Burns, Oliver Flynn. Trust fund princess Sophia has a major pain in the ass, but he's cute so she'll teach him a lesson about who's on top in this working relationship.
: an insurance trust created as a retirement plan in which individual life insurance policies are purchased for employees and held in trust by the employer to fund the plan — insurance trust : a trust in which the principal consists of an insurance policy or its proceeds — inter vivos...
:an insurance trust created as a retirement plan in which individual life insurance policies are purchased for employees and held in trust by the employer to fund the plan —insurance trust :a trust in which the principal consists of an insurance policy or its proceeds ...
TheSpanishTrustFundforImpact Evaluation(SIEF)isa€10.4million programfundedbySpain, complementedwith$1.5millionfrom theUnitedKingdom,tosupportthe WorldBankinevaluatingtheimpactof innovativeprogramstoimprovehuman development(HD)outcomes.TheSIEF supportsprospective,rigorous ...
4.arrangement(s) by which something (egmoney) is given to a person to use in a particular way, or to keep until a particular time.The money was to be held in trust for his children;(also adjective) a trust fundfideicomiso;fondo de inversión ...
trust fund N→ fondo m fiduciario, fondo m de fideicomisotrust hospital N→ fundación f hospitalaria Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005...
Trust Fund Agreementmeansthe grant agreement(SPA TF0010978)entered intoby the International Development Association, acting as administrator of grantfunds providedbythe Kingdomof Spain under the ProgrammaticTrust Fundfor the Spanish program in Africa, andthe Recipient, in the same date of thedate of ...
Trust Fund Kids: Natalie tries to deal with a secret she must keep hidden and Dina confronts a figure from her past who returns to haunt her. Meanwhile, Daniel and Yiftach continue their struggle for Ella-Lee's heart.
Trust Fund Kids: Natalie tries to deal with a secret she must keep hidden and Dina confronts a figure from her past who returns to haunt her. Meanwhile, Daniel and Yiftach continue their struggle for Ella-Lee's heart.
Spanish:confiar(es) Swedish:räknamed To commit; to intrust Irish:cuiriniontaoibh,ligariontaoibhle Spanish:confiar(es) Swedish:anförtro(sig åt) To give credit to German:anschreiben(de) Latin:fido Spanish:creer(es),fiar(es) To risk ...