美国生前信托(Living Trust)和遗嘱(Will) 的常见问题 人生在世谁也无法避免意外和生老病死,对于国内的朋友们和许多海外华人来说,生前信托(Living Trust)可能是个比较陌生的词;中国的文化也会让很多人对立遗嘱这样的事觉得很忌讳。 在中国, 孩子继承父母的遗产是自然继承,所以我们一般都不会关心Living Trust或者Will...
It can be easy to confuse a living will with a last will and testament or a living trust, which is discussed below. But a living will is actually a type of advance directive. An advance directive, also called an advance medical or health care directive, refers to a legal document that ...
人生在世谁也无法避免意外和生老病死,对于国内的朋友们和许多海外华人来说,生前信托(Living Trust)可能是个比较陌生的词;中国的文化也会让很多人对立遗嘱这样的事觉得很忌讳。 在中国, 孩子继承父母的遗产是自然继承,所以我们一般都不会关心Living Trust或者Will。但美国的法律体系不一样, 子女对父母的财产没有自...
一、生前信托和遗嘱是什么? 生前信托(Living Trust)是建立在委托人、受托人和受益人之间的一种财产委托法律文件,委托人将其合法持有的财产或管理财产的权利委托给受托人,而受托人根据委托人的意愿,以受托人自己的名义管理和处置该财产或...
Living Trust vs Will - Easy-to-understand charts, comparisons and FREE planning tools for families with young children, probate concerns and other common estate planning goals.
A“living trust” can be created during a grantor’s lifetime. A “testamentary trust” is established after death following directives in the decedent-grantor’s will.3Living trusts created during the grantor's lifetime facilitate the transfer of assets to heirs without the cost and publicity ...
生前信托一般分为可撤销生前信托(revocable living trust)和不可撤销生前信托(irrevocable living trust)两种,大部分人都是设立的可撤销生前信托,也就是在信托成立之后你依然可以随时修改或者废除信托的条款。 美国设立生前信托 遗嘱(Will)则是指遗嘱人在法律允许的范围内,指定继承人对自己的个人财产进行处置和分配,遗嘱...
1 With an irrevocable trust, the terms cannot be changed, and the trustee will distribute the assets according to your wishes once you pass. Here are the general steps to consider when creating a living trust: Determine whether you’d like to remain in control of the account or if you’d...
A living will is a device by which a competent adult can designate in a legally binding manner, the specific treatment or non-treatment that he wishes to receive should he become terminally ill and incompetent. 1 To date, forty-one states and the District of Columbia haveCraig K. Van Ess...
But when structured properly, wills and living trusts can give you control of your assets, tax efficiency, and, hopefully, peace of mind as you navigate your later years. Here’s what you should know. Key Points A will is a relatively simple document that outlines how you want your assets...