Truss is a formation produced by triangular components, in accordance with the truss bridge drawings, and coupled at joints known as nodes. The triangular units forming the truss are slim and straight in form. The truss bridges consist of a grouping of triangles that are manufactured from straigh...
6. (Medicine) med to supply or support with a truss n 7. (Building) a structural framework of wood or metal, esp one arranged in triangles, used to support a roof, bridge, etc 8. (Medicine) med a device for holding a hernia in place, typically consisting of a pad held in position...
6. (Medicine) med to supply or support with a truss n 7. (Building) a structural framework of wood or metal, esp one arranged in triangles, used to support a roof, bridge, etc 8. (Medicine) med a device for holding a hernia in place, typically consisting of a pad held in position...
A bridge truss with tension rods that radiate from the top of the two end posts to the bottom of the evenly spaced vertical chords; the roadbed is supported between the bottoms of two such trusses. bowstring truss A truss with one curved member in the shape of a bow and a straight or...
Planar– By connecting more truss triangles, we get planar structures that share the load that is placed on them. Most commonly, the planar design consists of the single repeating pattern and are most commonly used fro building of roofs and bridges. ...
to support or stiffen (a roof, bridge, etc) with structural members to supply or support with a truss n a structural framework of wood or metal, esp one arranged in triangles, used to support a roof, bridge, etc a device for holding a hernia in place, typically consisting of a pad he...
a framework of beams (rafters, posts, struts) forming a rigid structure that supports a roof or bridge or other structure noun (medicine) a bandage consisting of a pad and belt; worn to hold a hernia in place by pressure verb secure with or as if with ropes; "tie down the priso...
Trusses supporting Auckland Harbour Bridge, New Zealand. truss, in engineering, a structural member usually fabricated from straight pieces of metal or timber to form a series of triangles lying in a single plane. (A triangle cannot be distorted by stress.) A truss gives a stable form capable...
Warren truss contains a series of isosceles triangles or equilateral triangles. To increase the span length of the truss bridge, verticals are added for Warren Truss. Pratt truss is characterized by having its diagonal members (except the end diagonals) slanted down towards the middle of the...
Determine the force in members ''EF'', ''FI'', ''HI'' of the truss which serves to support the deck of a bridge. State if these members are in tension or compression. Determine the force in members ''DC'', ''HC'', and ...