Truro是什么意思 n. (Truro)人名;(英)特鲁罗 特鲁罗 Truro的用法和例句: 1.Trurowill be worse it's election day. 特鲁洛会更糟 今天是选举日 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词Truro的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
Truro Also found in:Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. (ˈtrʊərəʊ) n (Placename) a market town in SW England, administrative centre of Cornwall. Pop: 20 920 (2001) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998...
Truro Advertisement noun(1) Example Sentences Advertisement AmericanBritish [troor-oh] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun a town in central Nova Scotia, in SE Canada. Discover More Example Sentences Tennyson was here a little later (in 1860) after a visit to the Scillies, and he made the river ...
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The meaning of TRURO is town in southwestern England population 20,000.
港口英文:truro 港口代码:GBTRU 所属国家:英国 国家英文:Great Britain 所属航线:欧洲内陆点 特鲁罗港口介绍 特鲁罗港(英文全称:truro 港口代码:GBTRU)地理位于经度:-5.051041,纬度50.263195,是英国港口中的偏港之一,欧洲内陆点航线的重要港口。 特鲁罗,英国英格兰西南区域康沃尔郡郡治、城市,人口约2万。是康沃尔郡...
United Kingdom Alternative Names Trouro, Truro, Truru, te lu luo, teululo, to~ururo, trwrw, Τρούρο, Труро, Տրուրո, טרורא, ترورو, ٹرورو, トゥルーロ, 特魯羅, 트루로 ...
Back in Truro, Mr Gaunt agrees shoplifting is a sign of much wider problems: "I feel desperate, I feel like giving up. It's about so much more than a £20 teddy, it's a broken society." FromBBC In addition to the event in Westminster Abbey, there will be regional carol services...