需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) TRUNNION MOUNTED BALL VALVES CC (固定球阀终极动员令).pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 TRUNNIONMOUNTEDBALLVALVESC TRUNNION MOUNTED BALL VALVES E n e r g y P r o d u c t s D i v i s i o n CCForce11TrunnionCa...
Fivalco - Valve Suppliers, Ball Valves, Gate Valves, … 热度: NEWAYVALVE Cat.no.:E-TMBV-2015 TrunnionMountedBallValve CompleteSolutionsforIndustrialValves C a t . n o . : E - T M B V - 2 0 1 5 No.666TaishanRoad,SuzhouNew
WKM DynaSeal 370D4 Trunnion Ball Valves - Flow … 热度: Trunnion Mounted Ball Valve - SPX FLOW 热度: TKTrunnionMountedBallValves Service-engineeredballvalvesforsevereenvironmentsandcriticaloperations TKTRUNNIONMOUNTEDBALLVALVES Introduction...1 DoubleBlock-and-BleedDesign...2 StandardandOptionalFeatures.....
EMERSON艾默生 Manuals KTM Series E01 Trunnion Mounted Ball Valve, ZH说明书用户手册 下载积分: 1190 内容提示: KTM 系列 E01 固定球阀安装和维护手册在安装前,请全文阅读和理解本说明书型号 Oracle 型号代码 压力等级 尺寸范围 (DN)全通径E0125 E01 ASME Class 150 50-200E0126 E01 ASME Class 300 50-200E...
Consult FLOWSERVE's entire Trunnion-Mounted Control Ball Valve catalogue on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/4
type of construction:trunnion mounted ball 结构形式:固定球阀category:trunnion mounted ball 类别:固定球阀function:blow-down valve 功能:排气阀temperature:normal temperature 温度:普通温度standard:API 6D,ASME B16.34 标准:API 6D,ASME B16.34application:industrial usage 应用:工业用途transport package:plywood ...
Trunnion-mounted Ball Valves Size 2 to 56 (50 mm to 1400 mm) ASME Class Class 150 to 2500 Design Standard API 6D Beyond Standards: Trunnion-mounted Ball Valve design complies to API 6D Valves offered with API 6D monogram Wide portfolio of S
The trunnion mounted ball valve contains 3 main series: 1.cast steel two-piece design, 2.forged steel three-piece design and 3. top entry uni-body design, all designed conform to API 6D and fire safe test are satisfied to BS 6755 and API 6FA. They are available in size from 2 to ...
Bi-Directional Metal-seated Butterfly Valve 查看详情+ Trunnion Mounted Ball Valve 查看详情+ Top Entry Ball Valve 查看详情+ Three-way Metal-seated Ball Valve 查看详情+ Soft-seated Floating Ball Valve 查看详情+ Semi-ball Valve 查看详情+ Manual Hemispherical valve 查看详情+ Double Eccentric...
Tops valve designed the Side-Entry Trunnion-Mounted Ball Valves to assure bi-directional sealing of the valve with two independent floating seats. The design of these seats minimizes the torque required to operate the valve without losing the sealing power. This power is assured ...