{username} on {date}","viewDetails":"View Details","modalTitle":"Case Details","escalatedBy":"Escalated by: ","escalatedOn":"Escalated on: ","caseNumber":"Case Number: ","status":"Status: ","lastUpdateDate":"Last Update: ","automaticEscalation":"automatic escalation","...
export the ad users list with Username , First and Last name, and last login date in an Excel format Export to a CSV file all remote computers' IP configurations Export to csv Export to csv not working in foreach loop Export Txt file with no delimiter to csv file Export Windows Security...
'close' at row 12 , get the following error: SQLSTATE[01000]: Warning: 1265 Data truncated, this my error : SQLSTATE[01000]: Warning: 1265 data truncated, multiple runs) ige this warning "Warning: data truncated for column " on a certain column, > data truncated for column 'username'...
Sql Server agent jobs fails - Error The job was invoked by user DOMAIN\username SQL Server Agent Schedule a quartely report SQL Server Agent: Request to run job from user refused?? SQL Server authentication connection string in SSIS SQL Server Destination - Returned error code 0xC0202071 SQL ...
Connection connect = DriverManager.getConnection(host, username , pass); PreparedStatement statement = (PreparedStatement) connect.prepareStatement(sorgu); statement.setString(1, ad); statement.setString(2, soyad); statement.setString(3, kadi); ...
hello, sorry to bother you. I want to use VGG16, but when I run the command model = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=False)>>> from keras.applications.vgg16 import VGG16, it shows error: >>> model = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include...
SubjectUserName : auser SubjectDomainName : adomain SubjectLogonId : 0xe9f10cc0 DSName : adomain.com DSType : %%14676 ObjectDN : DC=adomain,DC=com ObjectGUID : {8DCFE774-2C36-4176-A5A3-907711439094} ObjectClass : domainDNS AttributeLDAPDisplayName : gPLink ...
Sql Server agent jobs fails - Error The job was invoked by user DOMAIN\username SQL Server Agent Schedule a quartely report SQL Server Agent: Request to run job from user refused?? SQL Server authentication connection string in SSIS SQL Server Destination - Returned error code 0xC0202071 SQL ...