Hello guys, I have problem with overwriting the table, because I combine it with another using a foreign key. I am trying to do draggable table, and when I drag row I get error 500 in my console: "message": "SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax err
Can truncate table with foreign key constraints without having to drop the keys? I tried alter table NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL without avail. NorthernSoul SSCertifiable Points: 6869 More actions May 25, 2017 at 8:18 am #1944175 You can't truncate a table that has a foreign key constraint, ...
Then if I want to truncate the tables, of course this is not possible because of foreign key. But with the following code, this should work:EXEC sp_msforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL'GOtruncate table Table_1truncate table Table_2...
WITH NOCHECK ADD FOREIGN KEY([' + @TmpColumnName + '])REFERENCES ['+@TmpPKSchemaName+'].['+@TmpPKTableName+'] (['+@TmpPKColumnName+'])ON DELETE '+ @TmpDeleteAction + 'ON UPDATE ' + @TmpUpdateActionEXEC sp_Executesql @Sql
1、由 FOREIGN KEY 约束引用的表。(您可以截断具有引用自身的外键的表。) 2、参与索引视图的表。 3、通过使用事务复制或合并复制发布的表。 4、对于具有以上一个或多个特征的表,请使用 DELETE 语句。 5、TRUNCATE TABLE 不能激活触发器,因为该操作不记录各个行删除。
对于由 FOREIGN KEY 约束引用的表,不能使用 TRUNCATE TABLE,而应使用不带 WHERE 子句的 DELETE 语句。由于 TRUNCATE TABLE 不记录在日志中,所以它不能激活触发器。 TRUNCATE TABLE 不能用于参与了索引视图的表。 哎! 基础知识不牢啊!!! 谨记。
CASCADETruncate all tables withForeign Keydependencies on the table being truncated. CASCADEdoes not list dependent tables it truncates, so should be used cautiously. RESTRICT(Default)Do not truncate the table if any other tables haveForeign Keydependencies on it. ...
https://blog.csdn.net/dengguawei0519/article/details/101315699 1。找到引用这个表外键名称 SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE referenced_object_id=OBJECT_ID('User'); 删除外键 删除掉引用表的外键 ALTER TABLE dbo.XX DROP constraint FK_User_XX...
// *Cause: An attempt was made to truncate a table with unique or // primary keys referenced by foreign keys enabled in another table. // Other operations not allowed are dropping/truncating a partition of a // partitioned table or an ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION. ...
由FOREIGN KEY 约束引用。 可以截断具有引用自身的外键的表。 参与索引视图的表。 通过使用事务复制或合并复制发布的表。 系统版本控制时态表。 由EDGE 约束引用。对于具有一个或多个这些特征的表,请改用 DELETE 该语句。TRUNCATE TABLE 无法激活触发器,因为该操作不会记录单个行删除。 有关详细信息,请参阅 CREAT...