SQL> create table m (cid number, tid number, cname varchar2(100)); Table created SQL> alter table m add constraint pk_m_cid primary key (cid); Table altered SQL> alter table m add constraint fk_m_t_tid foreign key (tid) references t(id); Table altered //外键列建立索引 SQL> crea...
执行 truncatetablename 然后再设置外键约束: SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1
SQL> create table tbl_b(id number, a_id number, remark varchar2(1)); Table created. SQL> alter table tbl_a add constraint pk_tbl_a primary key(id); Table altered. SQL> alter table tbl_b add constraint pk_tbl_b primary key(id); Table altered. SQL> alter table tbl_b add constra...
Can truncate table with foreign key constraints without having to drop the keys? I tried alter table NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL without avail. NorthernSoul SSCertifiable Points: 6869 More actions May 25, 2017 at 8:18 am #1944175 You can't truncate a table that has a foreign key constraint, ...
外键约束(Foreign Key Constraint)是一种数据库完整性约束,用于确保两个表之间的数据一致性和参照完整性。具体来说,外键是一个表中的字段,它引用了另一个表(称为父表)的主键或唯一键。通过外键约束,可以确保一个表中的记录只能引用另一个表中实际存在的记录。 2. 说明为什么不能在存在外键约束的情况下直接截断...
Last night, I was truncating some tables from an alien database, and while truncating one table I got below error, which is logical because tables were related by foreign key constraintMsg 4712, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Cannot truncate table ' ' because it is being referenced by a...
[Err] 1701 -Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint … 解决办法 删除之前先执行删除外键约束 代码语言:javascript 复制 SETforeign_key_checks=0; 删除完之后再执行启动外键约束 代码语言:javascript 复制 SETforeign_key_checks=1; ...
table_name The name of the table to truncate. CASCADE Truncate all tables with Foreign Key dependencies on the table being truncated.CASCADE does not list dependent tables it truncates, so should be used cautiously. RESTRICT (Default) Do not truncate the table if any other tables have Foreign...
Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (alerting.datapoints, CONSTRAINT data,在truncate表的时候报告以下错误,意思是有的表有外键关联,不能清空。SQLSTATE[42000]:Syntaxerrorordatapoints_s
truncate table app04news_userinfo; 报错如下: ERROR 1701 (42000): Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (`platform`.`app04news_news`, CONSTRAINT `app04news_news_user_id_d2929af9_fk_app04news_userinfo_id`) 问题原因 因为数据库存在主外键关系,不能进行删除或者截断。此时...