使用mysql ,常常是基于图像界面的客户端操作,Command Line Client下,用到的两个不错的sql命令,如下。 1. truncate table XXX 在测试时,我很讨厌某表的主键一直自增长下去,总觉得从1开始最舒服,^_^,truncate table 就可以帮我,相比delete from 来说,它使数据表中自增长的字段起始值归为1; 2.source 命令 用...
SQL> create table tbl_a(id number, remark varchar2(1)); Table created. SQL> create table tbl_b(id number, a_id number, remark varchar2(1)); Table created. SQL> alter table tbl_a add constraint pk_tbl_a primary key(id); Table altered. SQL> alter table tbl_b add constraint pk_...
PostgreSQL offers a couple of ways to truncate a particular table. TheTRUNCATE TABLEcommand is one of the most frequently used ways of truncating a table. TheTRUNCATE TABLEcommand can be executed from the SQL SHELL as well as from pg Admin. This write-up will illustrate the usage of theTRUN...
How to find out who created a table? How to find SQL server user log history? How to find the logins,program name and databases for a session id? How to find, when the login last used on SQL Server? How to forbid the TRUNCATE TABLE command? How to give a user permission to drop ...
Table created SQL> alter table t add constraint pk_t_id primary key (id); Table altered //建立字表m SQL> create table m (cid number, tid number, cname varchar2(100)); Table created SQL> alter table m add constraint pk_m_cid primary key (cid); ...
TheCREATE TABLEcommand creates a new table in the database. The following SQL creates a table called "Persons" that contains five columns: PersonID, LastName, FirstName, Address, and City: Example CREATETABLEPersons ( PersonID int, LastName varchar(255), ...
sql truncate command: a) TRUNCATE works much faster than DELETE b) TRUNCATE generates a negligible amount of redo and undo c) Transaction log - one log indicating page deallocation (removes data, releasing allocation of data pages used for storing table data and writes only page deallocations ...
DROP TABLE command deletes a table in the database. The following SQL deletes the table "Shippers":ExampleGet your own SQL Server DROP TABLE Shippers; Note: Be careful before deleting a table. Deleting a table results in loss of all information stored in the table!
To specify the CASCADE clause, all affected child tables must be in your schema or you must have the DROP ANY TABLE system privilege. You can truncate a private temporary table with the existing TRUNCATE TABLE command. Truncating a private temporary table will not commit and existing transaction...
.SQLExecute("TRUNCATE TABLE " + Table_Name + ";") Does not seems to work. The reported error is: Erreur n° 1; Erreur near “TRUNCATE”: syntax error. Syntax source: w3schools.com SQL DROP TABLE Statement W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major...