在Sql中我们经常会用到in 普遍的写法为 where xx in ('1','2','3') 通过函数写法为: IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ArrayToTable]') AND type IN ( N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT' ) ) DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[ArrayToTable] ...
In SQL Server, truncating a table is a fast way to clear out records from a table if you don't need to worry about rolling back. When a table is truncated, the row deletions are not logged which is why rolling back is not possible without a transaction (NOTE: you can rollback a tr...
Execute SQL task fail for Droping a table if exists? Execute SQL Task in Control Flow with a @StartDate and @EndDate DATETIME Parameters Execute SQL Task size limitation? Execute SQL Task using ADO.NET connection To execute a stored procedure with input parameters Execute SQL Task: Error Exec...
TRUNCATE [TABLE] table_name; 或 ALTER TABLE [IF EXISTS] table_name TRUNCATE PARTITION { partition_name | FOR ( partition_value [, ...] ) } 参数:table_name:需要删除数据的Table名称。partition_name:需要删除的分区表的分区名称。partition_value:需要删除的分区表的分区值。 3、示例1 以下示例演示T...
I get errors if the table does not exist and have to manually run the truncate statements. Some tables may not exist if that part of the app is never used. I'm trying to make a list of all tables that could exist without it erroring out 50+ times. Thanks in advance. Tags: None ...
Truncate all tables in a SQL Server database Delete SQL Statement in SQL Server, Oracle and PostgreSQL SQL Drop Table Examples with T-SQL and SQL Server Management Studio SQL Server DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Examples About the author Aubrey Love is a self-taught DBA with more than six years of...
As workaround, you could: 1/ Drop the constraints 2/ Trunc the table 3/ Recreate the constraints. Here it is the associated T-SQL script, supposing you have 2 tables called MyTable and MyReferencedTable: -- Remove constraint IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE n...
Is it possible to truncate or flush out a table variable in SQL Server 2008? declare @tableVariable table ( id int, value varchar(20) ) while @start <= @stop begin insert into @tableVariable(id, value) select id , value from xTable where id = @start --Use @tableVariable --@table...
Table partitioning is a very useful and advanced database feature. SQL Server has supported table partitioning since SQL Server 2005. However, I am puzzled about why it does not provide us with a built-in T-SQL statement such as ALTER TABLE partionedTableName TRUNCATE PARTITION p ...
Normally, if you select Top X from a table, and run it over and over, you get the same values in the same order, whatever that order by be, again and again, regardless of the order they are returned since SQL doesn't purposely randomize the results if you do not request a specific...