String.slice() slice()的用法,可以接受1个或2个参数,只有1个参数的话,就默认从参数位置开始,一直截取到字符串结束;两个参数的话,第二个参数起到限制作用,就是从第一个参数位置开始,到第二个参数位置结束(不包括第二个位置);下面祭出代码: functiontruncate(str, num) {varlength=str.length;varstring='';...
functiontruncateString(str, num) {if(str.length> num) {returnstr.slice(0, num) +"..."; }else{returnstr; } } Updated ES6 version consttruncateString= (string ='', maxLength =50) => string.length> maxLength ?`${string.substring(0, maxLength)}…`: string// demo the above functional...
以“...”替换replace();4返回替换后的字符串;5(注意:如果num>3,插入到字符串尾部的三个点号也会计入字符串的长度。)6*/7functiontruncate(str, num) {8if(str.length<=num){9returnstr;10}11elseif(str.length>num&&num>3){12returnstr.replace(str.slice(num-str.length-...
Import the truncate function from markdown-truncate; this is its signature: function truncateMarkdown (inputText: string, options: object) Options These are the option flags you can provide to markdown-truncate: FlagDescriptionDefault valueRequired limit The max number of characters the output string...
show_more_class(String): 设置“显示更多”按钮的 CSS 类名,默认为“jTruncate-more”。 show_less_class(String): 设置“显示较少”按钮的 CSS 类名,默认为“jTruncate-less”。 示例代码 $(document).ready(function(){// 初始化 jTruncate $('.your-element').jTruncate({ max_length: 150, // 设...
代码语言:javascript 复制 resource eio_truncate ( string $path [, int $offset = 0 [, int $pri = EIO_PRI_DEFAULT [, callable $callback = NULL [, mixed $data = NULL ]]] ) eio_truncate() causes the regular file named by path to be truncated to a size of precisely length bytes ...
Truncate string Home Miscellaneous Truncate string Truncate string - dotdotdot A
#1. if you want process some data and after that truncate your string, or the __config__ attribute not ready yet, <!--get element by id and set config attribute on it--> <truncate-element id="ele"> Lorem, #ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ducimus quas quos rei...
JavaScript string截取字符 js中截取字符串的方法 js截取字符串常用的字符截取函数有slice、substring和substr这3个,我们前端人必会这3种方法,我们将从这3个函数出发,看看在js中,这些函数是如何通过js截取字符串的。1.slice说明:该slice(start, end)方法返回start和end索引之间的字符串部分。slice像substring。第一...
Import the truncate function from markdown-truncate; this is its signature: function truncateMarkdown (inputText: string, options: object) Options These are the option flags you can provide to markdown-truncate: FlagDescriptionDefault valueRequired limit The max number of characters the output string...