To specify the CASCADE clause, all affected child tables must be in your schema or you must have the DROP ANY TABLE system privilege. You can truncate a private temporary table with the existing TRUNCATE TABLE command. Truncating a private temporary table will not commit and existing transaction...
DROP TABLE 要清空一个表中的行但是不销毁该表,可以使用DELETE或者TRUNCATE。DROP TABLE 总是移除目标表的任何索引、规则、触发器和约束。不过,要删除一个被视图或者另一个表的外键约束所引用的表,必须指定 CASCADE(CASCADE 将会把依赖的视图也... TRUNCATE 语法TRUNCATE TABLE name[DROP STORAGE]说明 TRUNCATE ...
Further, we’ll explore the practical usage of the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in SQL and delete thePersonstable data from theAdventureWorks2019database. First, let’s see how many rows the table contains. To do this, we’ll execute the SELECT query with the COUNT(*) function that returns the...
A normal TRUNCATE command fails with the following error.truncate table t1; truncate table t1 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys SQL>The TRUNCATE TABLE ... CASCADE command succeeds and recursively truncates all the dependent tables....
3.To replace (the edge of a crystal) with a plane face. adj. 1.Appearing to terminate abruptly, as a leaf of a tulip tree or a coiled gastropod shell that lacks a spire. 2.Truncated. [Latintruncāre, truncāt-, fromtruncus,trunk; seeterə-inIndo-European roots.] ...
table_name Specifies the name (optionally schema-qualified) of the target table. Value range: an existing table name CONTINUE IDENTITY Does not change the values of sequences. This is the default action. CASCADE | RESTRICT CASCADE: Clears all tables that are added to a group. RESTRICT (defaul...
SQL Server TRUNCATETABLE[schema_name.]table_name[WITH(PARTITIONS({<partition_number_expression>|<range>}[,...n]))]; MySQL TRUNCATETABLE[schema_name.]table_name; Postgres TRUNCATE[TABLE][ONLY]name[*][,...][RESTARTIDENTITY|CONTINUEIDENTITY][CASCADE|RESTRICT]; ...
SQL>truncate table tbl_a;Table truncated. 可以执行。 3. 向主表插入一条记录,再次执行truncate 代码语言:javascript 复制 SQL>insert into tbl_avalues(1,'a');1row created.SQL>commit;Commit complete.SQL>truncate table tbl_a;truncate table tbl_a*ERRORat line1:ORA-02266:unique/primary keysintable...
TRUNCATE quickly removes all rows from a database table.It has the same effect as an unqualified DELETE on each table, but it is faster since it does not actually scan th
PostgreSQL offers multiple parameters that can be used with theTRUNCATE TABLEcommand to achieve different functions. For example, the CASCADE parameter is used to truncate a table along with its dependent objects completely. This write-up demonstrated the working of the TRUNCATE TABLE using relevant ...