可以使用用户u1创建存储过程, create procedure u1.stgtruncate(table_name in varchar2) as begin execute immediate 'truncate table '||table_name; end; 然后将该存储过程的权限赋予u2, grant execute on u1.stgtruncate to u2; 现在登录u2,通过执行如下sql即可truncate u1下的表test1a call u1.stgtruncate('...
【PL/SQL】三种删除方式 Delete,Truncate,Drop 蜗牛 2020-06-29 阅读1 分钟看完这章你会学习到以下内容: 它们的共同点 它们的不同点 相同点: 它们都可以删除数据,清理那些无关紧要,与业务无关的数据。 不同点: 1.语句方面 delete语句是dml,这个操作会放到rollback segement中,事务提交之后才生效;如果有相应...
If table is partitioned, then all partitions or subpartitions, as well as the LOB data and LOB index segments for each partition or subpartition, are truncated. Note: When you truncate a table, Oracle Database automatically removes all data in the table's indexes and any materialized view ...
truncatetbl_name 。执行truncate语句需要拥有表的drop权限,从逻辑上讲,truncatetable类似于delete删除所有行的语句或droptable然后再...场景,即该表数据完全不需要时可以用truncate。如果想删除部分数据用delete,注意带上where子句;如果想删除表,当然用drop;如果想保留表而将所有数据删除且和事务无关,用truncate即可 ...
truncate table t1 cascade; truncate table t1 cascade * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14705: unique or primary keys referenced by enabled foreign keys in table "TEST"."T3" SQL> -- Deletion works as expected. delete from t1; select (select count(*) from t1) as t1_count, (select count(*) ...
-- truncate a table TRUNCATE TABLE Persons; -- retrieve the number of rows in the table SELECT COUNT(*) AS rows_after_table_truncate FROM Persons; In the result, we see that the rows were deleted. Now, let’s quickly review the TRUNCATE statement in MySQL, Oracle, or PostgreSQL. The ...
Table created SQL> set timing on --显示消耗时间 SQL> select count(*) from mytest; --记录数12522708,耗时19秒,已经不小拉 COUNT(*) --- 12522708 Executed in 19 seconds SQL> delete from mytest; --删除表的所有数据,这个过程太长了,涉及到回滚数据的创建,库也不是我一个人在折腾 12522708 rows...
注:本文来源于《oracle查询某张表的外键(最终解决办法)》 一:几个查询表外键的脚本 select b.table_name, b.column_name from user_constraints a inner join user_cons_columns b on a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name where a.r_constraint_name in ( select e.constraint_name from user_constraints ...
于是开始执行truncate, truncate table test; 此时提示错误, ora-00054: resource busy and acquire with nowait specified or timeout expired 他的意思是存在未提交的事务,truncate不能获得锁资源,可以用如下sql找出锁住的表对象, select b.owner,b.object_name,a.sessio...
SQL> truncate table tbl_a; truncate table tbl_a * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 此时提示了ORA-02266:唯一/主键被启用的外键引用 ...