Using a user-defined function (UDF) in a materialized view Streaming ingestion to a materialized view Getting started with streaming ingestion from Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Getting Started with streaming ingestion from Apache Kafka Authentication with mTLS for Redshift streaming ingestion from Apache ...
In the following example, the DATE_TRUNC function uses the 'week' date part to return the date for the Monday of each week. selectdate_trunc('week', saletime),sum(pricepaid)fromsaleswheresaletimelike'2008-09%'groupbydate_trunc('week', saletime)orderby1;date_trunc|sum---+---2008-09-...
The DATE_TRUNC function in Google BigQuery and Amazon RedshiftIn Google BigQuery and Amazon Redshift, the <date_part> is passed in as the first argument and the <date/time field> is the second argument:date_trunc(<date/time field>, <date part>) ...
The DATE_TRUNC function in Google BigQuery and Amazon Redshift In Google BigQuery and Amazon Redshift, the <date_part> is passed in as the first argument and the <date/time field> is the second argument. date_trunc(<date/time field>, <date part>) A note on BigQuery: BigQuery’s...
在工作中需要计算两个时间的差值,结束时间 - 开始时间,又不想在js里写function,也不想在Java里去计算,干脆就在Oracle数据库做了一个函数来计算两个时间的差值。...TMINUTE) * 60) || '秒' INTO DIFF_TIME FROM (SELECT TDAY, THOUR, TRUNC...TMINUTE, (TT - THOUR) * 60 TT FROM (SELECT TDAY,...