1. You could use the decode function in an SQL statement as follows: 2. 3. select supplier_name,decode(supplier_id,1000,'IBM',10001,'Microsoft','1002','Hewlett Packard','Gateway') result from suppliers; 1. 2. 3. 上面的sql语句相当于下面的IF-THEN-ELSE : 1. IF supplier_id = 10000 ...
若在创建存储函数中报错“you might want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable”,有两种处理方法: 方式1:加上必要的函数特性“[NOT] DETERMINISTIC”和“{CONTAINS SQL | NO SQL | READS SQL DATA | MODIFIES SQL DATA}” 方式2: mysql> SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creat...
mysql中的Truncdate字段,如Oracle 、、 我无法使用'mysql‘数据库中的'trunc(in oracle)’函数。我的'mysql‘数据库中有一个名为dlb_cc_purchase的表和一个名为due_date的日期字段。在oracle中,我们使用查询Oracle DB将提取到期日为20如何在'mysql‘中使用 ...
你可以用DATE_FORMAT(created_at ,'%Y-01-01')要获得一年中的第一天:
The Datetrunc function is available in various SQL platforms, such as Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, etc. Syntax The syntax of the Datetrunc function varies slightly depending on the SQL platform being used. However, the general syntax is as follows: ...
Function expressions Conditions Comparison condition Logical conditions Pattern-matching conditions LIKE SIMILAR TO POSIX operators BETWEEN range condition Null condition EXISTS condition IN Condition SQL commands ABORT ALTER DATABASE ALTER DATASHARE ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES ALTER EXTERNAL VIEW ALTER FUNCTION ALTE...
TruncTime is implemented in MySQL using the TIME() function. When we pass time values to MySQL, we return str(value) from adapt_timefield_value which, when the microseconds field of the value is zero, yields a string in "HH:MM:SS" format. And it looks like comparing time values with...
第一种 function value return number; 这种用法没有参数,会返回一个具有38位精度的数值,范围从0.0到1.0,但不包括1.0,如下: select dbms_random.value() from dual 结果为:0.265729284748573 第二种value带有两个参数,第一个指下限,第二个指上限,将会生成下限到上限之间的数字,但不包含上限,如下: ...
publicfunctionsortOutValues($data){//net value is unit-price * quantity$this->net_value = round(bcmul($this->sales_qty,$this->sales_price,4),2);//tax (in the UK at least) is dependent on the tax_rate of the item, and the tax status of the customer.//this function is a wrappe...
geom_point, sdo_geometry (wkt_poly, 4326) ) = 'TRUE'; RETURN (result) ; END ; 因为之前都是用mysql的,项目用oracle...,第一次用oracle写function,还行踩了不少小坑。...上面是我业务需要用的特别简单的一个函数。实现功能也就是,传入一个空间面数据参数,统计属于该面内的所有民宿点。具体函数代码...