VGTrumpet 发布虚拟乐器 VG Jazz Alto Saxophone,它可以作为 VST / AU 插件和独立应用程序。 主要特点: 六种最常见的萨克斯风格声音类型:Subtone、Warm、Soul、Smooth、Bright 和 Lead。 它可以在 Windows 和 Mac 中作为独立程序,或作为插件在所有主流 DAW(Cubase、Logic Pro、Ableton Live、Reaper、FL Studio 等)...
To use the SFZ sound libraries, you need to have the free Sforzando or Aria Player installed on your computer To use the AudioLayer sound libraries for iPad or iPhone, you need to have the AudioLayer app installed on your smartphone or tablet ...
Trumpet sounds, flute sounds, clarinet sounds for download. 1000's of trumpet, flute, clarinet, oboe, trombone, woodwind instrument, & wind samples & sounds in WAV & all major software sampler formats. Free woodwind instrument sounds with email sign-up.
描述: i messed around with the settings on the dsk brass vst and got some interesting trumpet sounds. would be cool if someone could do something more with this one. i've uploaded all parts as individual loops. 标签: beat brass dsk electronic kick linux lmms loops snare trumpet ubuntu vst...
描述:这些循环是完美的嘻哈,你可以用这六个循环制作一个节拍...在flstudio12中制作...由amirmofrat 制作。 Tag: 90 bpm Hip Hop Loops Brass Loops 1.79 MB wav Key : Unknown mLoops " m Loops 10 120 BPM by day_tripper13 来源Freesound 详情 下载 wav 8.6 MB 2121 kbps ... 描述:循环播...
Flute loops, brass loops, & trumpet trombone horn loops for download. 1000's of wind, woodwind, clarinet loops in WAV AIFF REX format. Free brass loops with email sign-up.