VirtualGuerilla89WE MISSED WHAT YOU SAID Fish TeLLI m glad Trump's getting the illegals out will reddingsomebody doesn't value their job Right OnYOUTUBE=COMMUNIST CHINA TruthBomb CortangleDEFANGO IS A WASTE OF LIFE. DO NOT LISTEN TO THAT WORTHLESS...
So what is Trump’s biggest mistake that may truly lose him the 2024 election? It is his repeated assertions that, if Kamala Harris is elected, then Israel will be gone in two years. He has been saying it over and over again. As much as I support and praise all he has done for Is... Julia AzariAug. 27, 11:04 pm In response to Nathaniel’s point about anti-China ads this year, I want to note that political scientists Jessica Chen Weiss and Amber Wichowsky have been writing about anti-China rhetoric for years, well before...
“I am the chosen one”while speaking rather seriously about trade with China. Later that week,he complained on Twitter, saying journalists “knew I was kidding, being sarcastic.” At least, in this case, Trump appeared to be using the word correctly. But when someone makes declarative...
Moreno's lawyer later released a statement saying that a former intern for Moreno had created the account as a prank. In the days leading up to the Senate race, a Democratic PAC spent millions on ads that were intended to boost Moreno, reflecting Democrats...
growth. Trends in the US economy have an effect on the whole world – East Asia (China included), South Asia including India, Eastern and Western Europe of course, and you name it, everywhere. Every option that is adopted in the US has serious implications for the ...
The prominence U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer has in the negotiations could help to determine whether the White House takes a more aggressive or conciliatory approach to China.
This may be the ultimate Lounsbury post: “What you are saying is exactly right, but you are all idiots for saying it.” 3 Just nutha ignint crackersays: Monday, 22 June 2020 at @wr: Would you prefer: Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle...
of the presidential debates Tuesday, the Trump administrationpromoteda false theory that Biden would wear an electronic device in his ear during the debate, which was amplified by conservative news outlets. Pew Researchfoundthis week that a quarter of U.S. adults get their news from YouTube. ...
YouTube also suspended Jones from broadcasting live, and took down some of his videos.” Story. CANNABIS COUNTRY -- “Los Angeles Moves To License Pot Growers After Long Delay,” by Michael R Blood in the Associated P...