He said that Republicans “will restore the right to free speech in America again, which we don’t have.” Hundreds of Trump’s supporters had lined up for the event overnight, with a large crowd staying until past 8 p.m. for Trump’s speech despite a thunderstorm ahead of Tropical Sto...
By signing up, you confirm you are 16+, will receive newsletters and promotional content and agree to ourTerms of Useand acknowledge the data practices in ourPrivacy Policy. You may unsubscribe at any time. Trump has in the past accused social networks of censoringconservative speech. He'...
He adds that Trump will argue he was exercising his right to "free speech." But attorney Weissmann counters that: "I was a prosecutor for many years. There's no first amendment protection in terms of a criminal case. If you are to rob a bank and say, 'Give me all your money,' tha...
President Trump on Thursday signed an executive order aimed at protecting free speech on college campuses, in an event attended by students who say their conservative views have been infringed upon. The new order will require higher education institutio
This suggests that Trump is thinking in terms of some sort ofnational industrial policy,perhaps infant industry protection. A google search for news relating to "Trump industrial policy'" turned upmy comment yesterday on the matterbut there were no other links related to Trump's speech and indus...
They argue the gag order is an unconstitutional curb on the presumptive Republican nominee’s free speech rights while he’s campaigning for president and fighting criminal charges. “The First Amendment harms arising from this gag order right now are irreparable,” Trump lawyer Emil Bove said at...
"Twitter is not about FREE SPEECH," Trump wrote in the now-deleted tweets, adding that he is considering building his own social media platform in the near future. Twitter shut down his @TeamTrump campaign account shortly after it sent out a tweet with a "statement ...
Chen is an award-winning teacher and an expert on free speech doctrine, federal and public interest law. In the first month after his Jan. 20 inauguration, Trump was named in more than 60 federal cases in 17 different states, according to NBC News. By contrast, President Obama was named ...
His remarks were preceded by an impassioned speech from Donald Trump Jr. and a series of foreign-policy-focused speeches, including from the family members of a hostage being held by Hamas. It will also be the last day of POLITICO conversations live from Milwaukee, including with New Hamps...
but at its friends. In a lengthy interview withPlayboymagazine in 1990, Trump was asked what would a President Trump’s foreign policy be like. He answered: “He would believe very strongly in extreme military strength. He wouldn’t trust anyone. He wouldn’t trust the Russians...