President Donald J. Trump's second official book since leaving the White House is Letters To Trump. A colorful photo book captures the incredible, and oftentimes private correspondence, between President Donald J. Trump and some of the biggest names in h
He also earned $4.4 million in royalties from a book called “Letters to Trump” and $500,000 from one called “A MAGA Journey.” Advertisement Trump still receives royalties on a number of other books, including “The Art of the Deal,” which came out in ...
这本即将于4月25日出版发行的新书名叫《致特朗普的信》(Letters to Trump) 据说,书中里面收录了特朗普在竞选总统前后期间收到的来自世界各地的名人、领导人和皇室成员寄给他的150封私人信件,其中包括但不限于英国已故女王伊丽莎白二世、戴安娜王妃、迈克尔·杰克逊、俄罗斯总统普京、美国名嘴奥普拉·温弗瑞、美国前第一...
In response to the Stan Long letter (“Ironies Abound,”EW, 9/5), Lane County voters must pay extra attention. Long puts a false face on what is essentially voter disenfranchisement in the form of Measure 20-362 that will be on your November ballot. When you pay attention to what is ...
Editor’s note: This piece was originally published in the “Letters to Fortune” section of the February 15, 1988 issue of Fortune. Trump sent this letter to Fortune in response to Gary Belis’s review of his first book,“Trump: The Art of the Deal,” in a previous issue. I notice ...
Donald J. Trump's personal letters, alternately admiring andacidic, offer an archive of his...Barbaro, Michael
Re: “Evaluate candidates by deeds,” by W. Paul Radman, Monday Letters. Radman’s letter to the editor encouraging all “true Republicans” to evaluate candidates by their deeds, not the labels they have given themselves, is sound advice. His arguments ...
To the editor:Donald Trump has moved on from trading cards and sneakers to selling Bibles during Holy Week. (Trump promotes ‘God Bless the USA Bible,’ selling for $59.99, March 26.) This is disgusting. Just as Jesus drove the money changers from the Temple, can all of us unite to ...
a group that is urging presidential candidates to adopt policies that support stronger antitrust enforcement. The coalition, comprised of small businesses and agricultural producers, has sent letters to Vice President Kamala Harris...
4. STRIPPED:Students Astronglybelieve it was right to strip Donald Trump of his titles; Students Bstronglybelieve it was wrong to strip Donald Trump of his titles. Change partners again and talk about your conversations. MY e-BOOK See a sample ...