全球医疗技术领导者Exactech今天宣布,其 3D 胫骨膝关节植入物Truliant® 多孔胫骨托盘已获得美国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA) 的 510(k) 许可。 Truliant 多孔胫骨托利用增材制造技术打造出一种多孔结构,旨在模仿松质骨的结构。该设计旨在促进初始固定和生物固定,以适应患者活跃的生活方式。 Exactech 首席营销官兼大...
Truliant® Porous Knee leverages today’s advanced manufacturing technologies to mimic the trabecular nature of cancellous bone with optimal pore size and porosity. The porous structures integrated into the implant are designed to facilitate a durable bonding surface to allow for immediate and long-ter...
“Chad has been instrumental to our success for many years. This promotion recognizes the far reaching impact of his work and his commitment to the mission of Truliant,” Hall said. “His experience has given him an extensive understanding of our credit union and enabled him to take on new ...
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Exactech® Truliant™ Line Extensions产品名称,K171045申请号,510K申请类型,Exactech, Inc.申请人,数据来源于药智数据美国上市器械数据库。
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