I installed FreeNAS-11.2-RELEASE-U1 yesterday with Transmission plugin, but im not getting it to work. I get some permission access denied warnings while trying to download. Going to "Plugins" Im not able to manage the Transmission plugin somehow, and on top of the page it says... ...
I upgraded to 8.3 from 7.2 today and am having troubles with transmission. I followed the youtube video that the FreeNas Team posted. I tried to start a torrent but am getting "Scrape error: Could not connect to tracker" and the torrent will not start. I cannot figure this out. Any ...
Hello, sorry if this is a stupid question but I am having an issue with a very specific permission issue. I've been using Transmission for a long time now with no issues, I'm on Truenas 12.0 U8.1, and thinking about upgrading to 13. In the past I've had upgrades that wiped my Tr...
As the title says, I just installed the update to transmission (version 2.93). Anything that i have downloaded since this update today that creates its own folder inside where transmission downloads go, has a different permission and i am no longer able to delete these newly created folders ...
chmod 755 /usr/local/etc/wireguard/postdown.sh should fix that "Permission denied" error and perhaps solve your problem! Show : My TrueNAS build winnielinnie MVP Joined Oct 22, 2019 Messages 3,641 Sep 22, 2022 #55 bedtimebird said: I cannot connect to the web...
Looks like plexuser own's TV dir, and transmission owns download dir. Looks like you need to get your permission squared away for your datasets or inside your jail's. That is why medusa is getting permission denied. That's why I use 775 and to allow group ownership then, I can add ...
Software: NextCloud, Clamav, Emby, Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, Transmission, ZSH + extensions, ACME, autodeploy certificate and shell settings to jails, custom monitoring anodos Sambassador iXsystems Joined Mar 6, 2014 Messages 9,554 Nov 20, 2019 #92 appliance said: i did this earlier when ...