准备一台运行TrueNAS SCALE 22.02的服务器,确保服务器具有足够的硬件资源,如内存、存储和处理器。 准备一个Ubuntu Server 22.10的安装镜像文件,可以从Ubuntu官方网站下载。 确保服务器的网络连接正常,并可以访问外部网络。 二、安装步骤 登录TrueNAS SCALE 22.02的管理界面,在左侧导航栏中选择“Jails”选项卡。 在“Jail...
点击manage catalogs,就进入添加目录的界面了,这是新版TrueNAS Scale与旧版不同的地方。 安装应用之前要为应用池选择一个位置,如果机械硬盘需要休眠,就不要将应用池设置在机械硬盘里,会影响硬盘休眠。 TrueNAS Scale在某个版本里添加了host path validation的功能,具体是什么作用我不太清楚,但是导致了非常多的问题,绝...
之前尝试过TrueNas scale和core做全机械纯存储的NAS,尝试搭配CX3 pro 40G eth + 8盘RAIDZ提速,在没...
上周对于开源社区来说是忙碌的一周。EndeavourOS和TrueNAS Scale于周二(4月16日)发布,Fedora于周三(4月17日)发布,Ubuntu于周四(4月18日)发布。四个新版本中都包含最新的Linux内核6.8,都提供最新的GNOME 46桌面,其中大多数包含最新的KDE Plasma 6桌面,虫虫今天带大家一起学习预览一下。EndeavourOS 紫色双...
这里分为TrueNas Scale服务端和PVE作为客户端两部分设置。因为Scale在最近的版本中换回了NFS-Kernel-Server,因此非常简单;而Core版本用的是NFS-Ganesha,我不太懂怎么弄这个玩意。 9.1.1 TrueNAS Scale 服务端 接着之前的ipoib设置,对networks再进行修改一下 ...
Before Scale was released I ran a custom built NAS on Ubuntu Server for the sole reason that I needed Nvidia HW transcoding for my Plex server. On my Ubuntu server I had the same 3 datasets setup and with this Samba ZFS Fix the 3 shares from my Atlas pool would all have the same ...
I've get two system running Freenas 11 one, called caolila, a nfs server, afp server, plex server which I also send snapshots from a remote ubuntu zfs pool. The other Freenas instance, xanadu, at a remote location is solely for replicating the first Freenas instances. Both Freenas inst...
I was finally able to test this using Debian 10 based distribution, works like a charm, moving to Debian now till freebsd nvme drivers are stable and able to scale. Show : Freenas Show : Fastnas (NVMe SAN) Reactions: Herr_Merlin N NJTech Cadet Joined Feb 21, 2021 Messages 4 Feb...
To access the OnlyOffice log, enter sudo docker logs onlyoffice-document-server from the Ubuntu VM terminal. Also, double-check that you are accessing the OnlyOffice server and not the Collabora server by mistake. When setting up the connector at step 6, on clicking SAVE if you don't see ...
It does seem that truenas scale has changed from nfs-ganesha to nfs-kernel-server, which does support RDMA while ganesha does not. That being said, nfs over rdma runs on a different port, the "default" rdma port is tcp/20049, vs the normal tcp/2049 port so it's pretty far...