[ 0.058309] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.114+ root=UUID=078bc78b-9ff0-479c-a59d-72b8d55732a5 ro rootdelay=10 nomodeset crashkernel=512M-:192M 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 其它检查命令 $ sudo kdump-config show $ sudo cat /proc/cmdline $ sudo service kdump-tools status...
光标移动到IP这里,然后按键盘 i 键,之后可以使用退格键删除并正常输入内容。 修改后,按Esc键,并输入 :wq 退出即可。这里的冒号也是要输入的!!! 退出到root后,按reboot 重启openWrt 重启后前端访问ip,即可进入OpenWrt前端画面 默认密码就是:password 这里因为是默认密码,所以提示你重新修改,不过没关系,可以等中文...
Use following command to list the id of each disk. ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ Find the links that matches each drive /dev/disk/by-id/ata-HGST_HTS721010A9E630_JR10006P0VSENF -> ../../sdd -> 1TB /dev/disk/by-id/ata-HGST_HTS721010A9E630_JR10006P0VSMXF -> ../../sdf-> 1TB ...
2023-05-15 19:53:40.395398+00:00/docker-entrypoint.sh: Looking for shell scripts in /docker-entrypoint.d/ 2023-05-15 19:53:40.396912+00:00/docker-entrypoint.sh: Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/10-listen-on-ipv6-by-default.sh 2023-05-15 19:53:43.079595+00:0010-listen-on-ipv6-by-defau...
# 2) Delete the user with the snmpusm shell command # 3) Clear the v3 settings in the config # 3) Restore SNMP run state snmp_service = await self.middleware.call("service.query", [("service", "=", "snmp")], {"get": True}) await self.middleware.call('service.start', 'snmp'...
Power-Shell(以管理员身份运行!) 下载客户端令牌并将其放入C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\vGPU Licensing\ClientConfigToken: curl.exe --insecure -L -X GET https://<dls-hostname-or-ip>/-/client-token -o "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\vGPU Licensing\ClientConfigToken\client_configuration...
Sorry, I haven't worked with TrueNAS Scale before, so I assumed you had some more command line access - my bad. Your best bet is probably then to put everything inside a Docker container. You could definitely do this with certbot independently and then install the certificates for wh...
If Something wrong with the volume’s CNID DB is shown, run this command from Shell, replacing the path to the problematic AFP share: dbd -rf /path/to/share This command can take some time, depending upon the size of the pool or dataset being shared. The CNID database is wiped and...
Bug on shell of a Jail? Hi guys, i was trying to configure a new Jail for UrBackup, and i do it like 2 times (on the same machine) because i got some errors, first i didnt get response from the ip address but that was my bad, and then i get response but it shows my an er...
. /etc/rc.subr name="mineos" rcvar="${name}_enable" load_rc_config $name : ${mineos_enable:="NO"} pidfile="/var/run/mineos.pid" command="/usr/local/bin/node" start_precmd="export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin" command_args="/usr/local/games/minecraft/service.js start" status_...