点击添加之前安装的radarr服务器: Default Server:勾选 Server Name:随便填写 Hostname or IP address:填写radarr的地址,radarr.ix-radarr.svc.cluster.local Port:修改为你的radarr端口,之前安装时默认为30025 API Key:在radarr的“设置” - “通用” - “安全” - “接口密钥 (API Key)”中可以看到。 这几...
部署代码很简单,可以看出完整的使用RustDesk需要部署两个docker容器,名为“hbbs”的容器是中继服务器,名为“hbbr”的容器是注册服务器。 同时也对端口做出了说明: By default,hbbslistens on 21115 (TCP) and 21116 (TCP/UDP), 21118 (TCP), andhbbrlistens on 21117 (TCP), 21119 (TCP). Be sure to o...
if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--adbd") == 0) { adb_main(0, DEFAULT_ADB_PORT); return 0; } printf("Starting recovery (pid %d) on %s", getpid(), ctime(&start)); load_volume_table(); //加载并建立分区表 get_args(&argc, &argv); //从传入的参数或/cache/recovery/comma...
port_number: is configured in Services ➞ WebDAV. If the TrueNAS® system is to be accessed using a public IP address, consider changing the default port number and ensure that the network’s firewall only allows access to authorized systems. share_name: is configured in Sharing ➞ WebDA...
4) Forward the appropriate port from your router to your TrueNAS server IP. 1194 is the default port so I just stuck with that. My TrueNAS server's IP on my LAN is (yes, I know, I should change it to something else that is unlikely to be used in the outside world.....
I saw a post about using a tool called kompose to convert docker-compose.yaml to Kubernetes but unfortunately this doesn't work as kubectl (which I had to install) cannot connect (default port 8080; I tried changing the environment to point to localhost:6443 both http/https and the furthest...
“Container Port”中填写的是docker容器的端口号,对应的是部署代码中冒号后面的数字,这个端口号不允许随便调整,“Node Port”是NAS主机的端口号,对应的是部署代码中冒号前的数字,可以根据自己的端口使用情况进行调整,但在TrueNAS Scale中,这个端口号必须大于等于9000。这里8384所映射出的9001端口,就是日后从浏览器访问...
from tornado.options import define,optionsdefine("port",default=8888,help="run on the given port",type=int) 1. 2. 3. __main__就可以如下: import tornado.options tornado.options.parse_command_line()http_server=tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(Application())http_server.listen(options.port)tornado...
求助,现在的truenas scale能和普通的linux一样用命令行和portance安装docker了吗,我尝试用命令行安装portance-ce,能打开web界面并正常使用。但是用命令行和在portance里安装emby和qbit都打不开web界面。直接安装应用里的emby就能进入web界面。 顺便,为什么应用里的docker只能用9000以上的端口。 小尘8800 7-25 3...
SCALE Specific: File containing questions for TrueNAS SCALE UIREADME.md#Optional: Helm Readme file (will be rendered in TrueNAS SCALE UI as well)templates/#A directory of templates that, when combined with values.yml will generate K8s YAMLvalues.yaml#The default configuration values for this ...