1.创建存储池(01:20) 2.vdev是什么?(11:33) 3.存储池容量扩展(17:12) 4.存储池导入和断开(24:46) 5.存储池降级怎么办(27:21) 6.存储池加密(32:55)Old bossa 科技 数码 服务器 NAS 教程 NAS教程 TrueNAS Truenas SCALE Truenas scale教程 zfs vdev...
由于TrueNAS系统的处理方式,两个data vdev之间会以Stripe方式组成一个存储池。这个方案能够提供2盘的冗余,前提是故障的2块硬盘不在同一个vdev里面,而Raid Z2是可以提供存储池内任意两块硬盘的冗余的。 选择这样组建Raid,是为了后续扩容考虑。有了先前的教训,我意识到这个空间迟早得用完,只是时间长短罢了。而一旦组...
WEBGUI进入Storage页面: Create Pool: 因为除了一个256G SSD系统盘之外,目前就一块3T的硬盘。选中了加到右边的VDev里。 后续购置实际使用的NAS硬件之后会导入各种备份功能,到时候再详细写。现在因为只是前期试错,就不考虑数据丢失风险。无视红字警告,选Force, 然后点Create: 会提示擦除硬盘数据,确认: 开始了开始了...
SLOG devices are added and managed in theStorage > Poolsweb interface area. When creating or expanding a pool, open theADD VDEVdrop down and select theLog. Allocate SSDs into this vdev according to your use case. To avoid data loss from device failure or any performance degredation, arrang...
TrueNAS is the World's #1 Open Source Storage. Based on OpenZFS, it is trusted by millions and deployed worldwide.
你同样可以对Meta Vdev进行设置:把特定的Block size文件存于Optane中,而没有命中规则的文件,则放入原来的机械存储池中。 TrueNas的Pool–dataset–option中,可以看到你对这个池的Record size,比如我的是128K,然后我在下面的Metadata (speical) small block size中设置一个值,比如是64k。当一个文件≤ 64k,则自动存...
SLOG devices are added and managed in the Storage > Pools web interface area. When creating or expanding a pool, open the ADD VDEV drop down and select the Log. Allocate SSDs into this vdev according to your use case. To avoid data loss from device failure or any performance degredation...
关于缓冲vdev性能: ZFS使用RAM作为一级缓冲,读写操作直接进内存。所以最直接提升性能的方式是增加内存。 存储池配置里,还能建立cache读缓冲,log写缓冲,metadata元数据读写缓冲三种不同和性能有关的vdev。 cache读缓冲也需要内存容量支持,并不是越大越好,太大的可能会占用过多内存,降低存储池性能。建议容量是内存容...
I ended up following the 2nd method because I didn't want to add another vdev: How to Add a Disk to an Existing Pool in TrueNAS (2024) - WunderTech This tutorial looks at how to add a disk to an existing pool in TrueNAS. There are a few different options, but learn which is ...
Create a Storage Pool for Plex Choose Create New Pool for Plex Next, enter a name for your pool (e.g., “MediaPool”) and select your two20GBdisks from the list of available disks. Click “Add Vdev” to include these disks in your pool, then click “Create” to finalize the setup...