Hi, I'm trying to migrate from 1.33 to 4.0.1 without changing license files. I tried archetype code from keymgr and keymgr-service for loading but I get "java.util.zip.ZipException: Not in GZIP format" when I try to install license. What...
v4 Update version to 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT. May 8, 2021 .gitignore Improves the build. Jul 24, 2019 CLA.md Add CLA action. Jul 25, 2021 LICENSE Replaces AGPL3 with ASL2. Jul 25, 2019 README.md Update badge. [skip ci] May 8, 2021 ...
设置"private": true可以工作并防止出现警告的原因是私有包不会分发,因此不需要许可证。
Hermitage Capital Corp. president John W. Bendall Jr. invested in the software after it caught his daughter trying to buy cigarettes. Intelli-Check sells identification card-verification software to deter minors from buying liquor or cigarettes.EBSCO_bspCardline...
The effort was initially invested by the company upon purchase of the company Organic ID.EBSCO_bspOfficial Board Markets
According to the article, the decision has threaten the country's attractiveness as a destination for foreign investment. Moreover, it also risks damaging the medium-term growth prospects of the country.EBSCO_bspEmerging Europe Monitor Russia & Cis...
The article reports that Bank Negara Malaysia has said that financial advisors in the country will now be required to obtain license under the Insurance Act as a new category of intermediaries. On obtaining prior approval, the financial advisors may also provide services for financial products other...
It presents the opinion of Bill Boraczek of Sally Hansen regarding the partnership of the firms. The Sally Hansen eyewear collection will be introduced in May 2008 along with a national advertising campaign that will reflect the image of Sally Hansen....