Finance Web site and to get the requested stock quote information. 14. 23kb 接着,查找股票报价所对应的记号并将它作为float值返回。 Next, you find the token that corresponds to your stock quote and return it as a float. 15. 26kb 清单1中显示了一个SOAP请求获取股票报价的简单而完整的示...
虽然准确数字难以获得,但是据田纳西州冰毒特别小组(TMTF)负责人Tommy Farmer预估,仅现场清理费用就在5,000-25,000美元之间。 17. 47kb The stock quote data comes the free web service, which returns data as CSV, and the 2009 numbers and company descriptions come from Wikipedia. ...
When you visit Yahoo Finance and ask for a free stock quote, it takes interminable seconds—and even when you do get the quote, the information is already 20 minutes old.PAULWilliamKEDROSKYWilliamEBSCO_bspBusinessKedrosky, P., "Lags to Riches," Business 2.0, March No.40, 2006....
点击quote表中第一行的Buy按钮,购买100 shares,如图16中所示。 20. 44kb Over the last decade the FTSE 100 index of shares, which represents over three-quarters of the total value of the London Stock Exchange, has flatlined. 过去10年中,占伦敦证券交易所总市值超过四分之三的FTSE100指数停滞不...
Finance Web site and to get the requested stock quote information. Finance Web站点并获得所需的股票报价信息。 8. 20kb Query requires real-time data, such as stock quote, on-hand inventory. 查询需要实时数据,例如股票报价、现有存货目录。 9. 21kb SQS.wsdl — WSDL service interface descripti...
1. 47kb The stock quote data comes the free web service, which returns data as CSV, and the 2009 numbers and company descriptions come from Wikipedia. 股价数据来自免费的 web 服务(它将数据返回为 CSV),而 2009 年的数据和公司描述来自 Wikipedia。 2. ...
The stock quote data comes the free web service, which returns data as CSV, and the 2009 numbers and company descriptions come from Wikipedia. 股价数据来自免费的 web 服务(它将数据返回为 CSV),而 2009 年的数据和公司描述来自 Wikipedia。 19. 41kb The fir...
Simple Quote: the consumer passes in a stock symbol; the provider returns the current price for the indicated stock. 简单报价:使用者传入股票代码;提供程序返回指定的股票的当前价格。 18. 34kb You retrieve dynamic data from Yahoo Finance (for example, the current price of the stock) using the...