Dubbed by DigitalSpy as “the maddest, darkest true-crime show yet”, this documentary will leave your jaw dropping with its shocking story of deceit and desires. Recounting Jan Broberg's experience of being kidnapped twice by a family friend, Abducted in Plain Sight has more twists and turns...
It follows Helen Webb (Keira Knightley), a quick-witted, down-to-earth, dedicated wife and mother — and professional spy.For 10 years, she’s been passing on her politician husband’s secrets to the shadowy organisation she works for: the Black Doves. When her secret lover Jason (Andrew...
Netflix have dropped the first look trailer for their new true crime documentary Who Killed Jill Dando?. The three-part series, which arrives on the streaming service on September 26, looks into the murder of award-winning BBC journalist Jill Dando, who was shot dead on the doorstop of her...
This documentary shines a light on journalist Gay Talese and the scandal surroundingThe Voyeur’s Motel. His 2016 book told the story of Gerald Foos, a serial voyeur who modified his Colorado motel so that he could spy on the guests from an attic crawl space that allowed him to peep in t...
Your Video Title Mute 00:0000:00 From documentary 'The True Intrepid' For copy contactMidcan Productions Videosource "Everyone worked for him - don't you see? And even the people who didn't said that they did." Joan Bright Astley, ...
“There are an unbelievable number of twists and turns in the story arc ofMaking a Murderer, it feels like it has to be fictional,” said Netflix VP of Original Documentary Programming Lisa Nishimura in the company’spress release for the new show. “Ricciardi and Demos have navigated very ...
The video below details thesordid, satanic origins of Apartheid Israel, which is not the same asthe Israel of the Bible. Quick case in point… Jesus: “Love Your Neighbor As Yourself!” Israeli Jews: “Hate Your Arab Neighbor!Kill Them ALL!” ...
Netflix Documentary “Abducted in Plain Sight”https://museumofclean.com/https://youtu.be/JSjdxR-H74s?t=3384 Case 2 – Mike Graeme Burton Beer pairing for this case is Delerium Tremens from Brouwerij Huyghe Sources https://peoplepill.com/people/graeme-burtonhttps://thecrimewire.com/true-...
Netflix's documentary Daughters is, hands down, a five-star watch. Its 100 per cent rating on Rotten Tomatoes is a testament to that, as will be the inordinate amount of tears you will shed watching this tender documentary about Black fathers reconnecting with their daughters – because that...
Hosenfeld gives Szpilman his greatcoat and tells him that he will listen to Polish radio after the war to hear his friend play. Hosenfeld survived the war but died in a Soviet prison camp in 1952 from injuries brought on by torture. The Russians incorrectly blamed him for spying and for ...