真实国土面积对比-The True Size Of ... 相当直观的对比,很实用!网站利用google地图将要查找的国家国土面积标注出来对比,可以多个国家同时对比,一直好奇哪个国家大的朋友可以解馋了。。。 传送门http://thetruesize.com/ 方法 进入网站后,会看到网站提供的范例,分别是中国、美国、印度,在左上角输入国家的英文名称...
网站常用标签 the true size of the true size thetruesize true size true size map 服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心 当前页面URL:http://www.948v.com/prodetail975992.html 推荐优秀网站 ...
Vote up the map mash-up that really changes how you see the world. Maps, by their very nature, are big fat liars. Despite what the Flat-Earthers would have you believe, the world is indeed spherical, meaning any 2-D attempt to depict it has to be a distortion. One of the ...
「 The True Size Of 」由James Talmage 和Damon Maneice 开发完成,他们希望提供地理老师们一个正确又简单的工具,展示每个国家在真实世界中有多大,而且这个工具还很认真的解决了「麦卡托投影法」在地图上愈靠近极点面积愈放大的问题! 1. 寻找要比较的国家? 进入「 The True Size Of 」网站,在左上方搜寻国家名...
Map found via reddit, click for larger versionWhile it's well known that the mercator projection distorts the world, the maps here show very clearly by how
Drag and drop countries around the map to compare their relative size. Is Greenland really as big as all of Africa? You may be surprised at what you find! A great tool for educators.
The map was created usingThe True Size of, an awesome new tool that allows for quick and easy comparisons of countries true sizes. As you can clearly see, it would take a lot of countries and US states to fully fill Africa. However, in terms of population, China with 1.36 billion peopl...
Mercator’s map inadvertently also pumps up the sizes of Europe and North America. Visually speaking, Canada and Russia appear to take up approximately 25% of the Earth’s surface, when in reality they occupy a mere 5%. As the animated GIF below—created by Reddit user,neilrkaye– demonstra...
C.InsertingasecondPersonobjectintoaHashSetwillcausethefirstPersonobjecttoberemovedasaduplicate. D.ThetimetodeterminewhetheraPersonobjectiscontainedinaHashSetisconstantanddoesNOTdependonthesizeofthemap. 点击查看答案 第2题 Refertotheexhibit.BasedontheVPNconnectionshown,whichstatementistrue?() A.Trafficthatmatche...
Vote up the true-size map comparisons with US states that have you doing a double take. Maps are pretty amazing. They have the ability to present information of all kinds - everything from size, shape, and population to landscape and climate. Maps throughout history ha...