That afternoon, she came back, and her grandson was with her. Now, she could not have been a hair over 5’1”. He was 6’2” of gangly teenage metalhead — long hair, black Slayer T-shirt, ripped jeans, long black leather jacket, and boots. It wasn’t far off that photo of the...
One minute, there was no-one there. The next, there he was, looking entirely solid and real as real; a young man with brown wavy hair, dressed in jeans and a pale yellow shirt. They stood looking up. He was looking down as if looking at them, but gave no sign that he saw them,...
The Fasting And The Furious Crazy Requests,Ice Cream Shop,Religion,USA|Right I’m working for a new ice cream store in the area. To promote it, we’re offering free samples outside the store. An angry woman storms up to two of us as we’re doing this. Woman:“Umm,hellooooo?! It...