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Author Index to Volume 19INDEXESHUMAN-computer interactionAn author's index for the December 2005 issue of "International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction" Volume 19 is presented.doi:10.1207/s15327590ijhc1903_6NoneInternational Journal of Human Computer Interaction...
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I am using a =IF(MATCH function and I get an #N/A Here is my formula: =IF(MATCH(A1, '[Workbook 2]Sheet 1A:A,0), "X", "" If I get an exact match in my Workbook 2, the formula works fine, It add my "X" in the cell. But if the value is FALSE, it doesnt return bla...
While apps like Word, Excel and Access all have a dark theme for the UI, however, it is rendered quite ineffective considering its intentions (to reduce eyestrain). The main focus of these apps is th... Hijraff you can do this in Word ...
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Treatment of Hepatitis C by Primary Care Providers.doi:10.1056/NEJMc1107892NoneNew England Journal of MedicineTreatment of Hepatitis C by Primary Care Providers. New England Journal of Medicine 365 :10, 959-960 Free ${xml_link: 10.1056%2FNEJMc1107892}...