The article reports on the complex paving of the Circuit of the Americas, the first U.S. Grand Prix facility for Formula One racing. It says that the paving of the track was conducted by collaborative teams from Austin Commercial, one of the largest diversified builders in the country, and...
Presents a formula for noninverting operational amplifiers circuit. Gain equation in the inverting configuration; Figure showing formula for noninverting amplifier; Close-approximation formula for a gain ratio of the noninverting amplifier to be identical to that of an inverting amplifier....
We prove that the representability of a Boolean function by a repetition-free formula can be verified by a circuit of linear complexity. This research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant 04–01–00359.Voronenko...
He Set the Course That Put Watkins Glen, N.Y., On the Formula One Racing Circuit.An obituary for Cameron Argetsinger, who established the Watkins Glen Grand Prix is presented.EBSCO_bspWall Street Journal - Eastern EditionMillerStephen
It also outlines the Seventh Circuit's contributions along with the Eleventh Circuit's adoption and further development of those principles.BLACKBURNJOSEPHW.Cumberland Law Review