Truepatriot(爱国者)loveinallthysonscommand. Withglowingheartsweseetheerise, TheTrueNorthstrongandfree! Fromfarandwide, OCanada,westandonguardforthee(你). Godkeepourlandgloriousandfree! OCanada,westandonguard(保卫)forthee. OCanada,westandonguardfortheeMoreinformation1.Oceansoneastandwestcoasts2.Where...
It is/lies in the north/south of... It is/lies to the south/east/northwest of... It is within... Kilometers of... It is/lies on the west/east. The place is on the border. You go along the coast. It is east /west of... ...
2. It is the name of a train. 3. It is named after a line from the Canadian National Anthem. 1. What do the pictures tell us? Canadian National Anthe 2、m (国歌国歌) O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see ...
It was so bad Marine LtCStuart Scheller threw away his career, and said he was doing so, to call out his chain of command. Naturally he faced the consequences he knew were coming, he’d done it out of honor for love of country. As everybody is noticing, another LtC, LtC Bearclaw ...
Mingos, Delawares, and Wyandots. The next day sixteen-year-old Elizabeth (Betty) Zane hurried into Fort Henry, along with about forty others. (Three of Betty’s older brothers, Ebenezer, Jonathan, and Silas, had begun settlement of the area in 1769. Now Silas was in command of the fort...
all walks of life and nationality. His love for people and appreciation for nature shows in his art. I have only known Antonio to be a kind and caring individual. Antonio fought for this country and as a patriot appreciate what Americans are given; the freedom to express our views, ...
And so it should. Death is part of Life. It colours our experience of Life through the awareness of our own mortality and that of all those we love most. Death – and Birth are THE greatest life events, our own. The Death card needs handling with care. I do not make predictions...
against Putin’s total war- neither has the US- President Xi-despite hisextensiveintelligence networks- seems unsure as to the likely strength of military response from the US should China escalate aggression against Taiwan. Has the US really not got more Patriot missile systems to spare for ...
probably connected to the 2008 election — one I abstained from because Obama bitterly disappointed me as senator when he voted to renew the Patriot Act. A few years later, though, we reconnected on facebook and discovered to our mutual amusement that both our politics had changed and become...