Indicate whether the following statement is true or false: A hydronium ion has the formula H2O+. If a solution has an H+ concentration of 0.00000001 moles per liter, calculate the pH. Is this solution an acid or a base? Explain how to use your calculator to find the concentration of hydr...
Review educational resources on topics including reverse transcription basics, cDNA synthesis, enzyme selection, troubleshooting tips, and cDNA applications in molecular biology. Support PCR and cDNA Synthesis Support...
The Protein Validator Node of Proteome Discoverer 2.3 calculated high (<0.01), medium (0.01≤ and <0.05), or low (0.05≤) false discovery rates (FDRs) with the peptide hits to generate the protein FDR confidence score. Both unique and razor peptides were used for identification of the best...
In contrast to sympatric competitors that generally are dwarf or prostrate, noble rhubarb grows to heights of up to 2 m when in flowering, making it highly conspicuous in the alpine region. The remarkable glasshouse-like morphology was assumed to be essential for the plants to cope with low ...