Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (ARNP, PMHNP-BC, GNP-BC) Dana Jacobson Dana has been a nurse practitioner for 13 years and has practiced in primary care, internal medicine, hospice and palliative care. She managed chronic disease for adults ...
At that point, he could have opted for palliative care and gone home on hospice with a decent enough quality of life to enjoy what little time he had left. 那个时侯他可以选择安宁治疗,回家好好渡过他人生最后的一段时间。 11. 34kb She told me that she worries that they'll have to sen...
I am a 3 time cancer survivor and even had 2 months of Hospice. I am thankful I came across Ty Bollinger’s TTAC while in this process. The only thing medically I have done was surgery to prevent it from spreading as the type I have there is no medical cure. But I have turned to...
Lovelace Sandia provides the only hospital and 24-hour emergency room service in Albuquerque's West Side. Major programs and specialties within the Health System include a heart and vascular center, hospice and home health care, women's health services and cancer care. Contact information is ...
HOSPICE nursesEVALUATION of human services programsThe implementation of a palliative and supportive care plan across community hospitals in the Grampian region of north east Scotland provided an opportunity to confirm the important role staff play in palliative and end of life care. Contact was made ...