Vampires retain the appearance they had in life, though they often become paler and more gaunt. Their eyes may glow red or become darker, and their canine teeth elongate into fangs. Supernatural Abilities: Vampires possess enhanced strength, speed, and senses. They have the ability to regenerate...
In action, what this means is that we are going to need to valiantly keep our eyes on the prize and ride out the pain of critique, the awful feeling of being judged and found wanting, the terrible feeling of not being heard, and CONTINUE TO BUILD BRIDGES ANYWAY. Build those bridges, ...
But the sheer animal power and potency of the bull has exerted a magical influence on the human imagination long before the dawn of agriculture. Paintings of aurochs, the wild ancestors of the modern bull, were discovered in the Lascaux caves in France in paintings, thought to date from 15000...
This time of year represents a ‘liminal’ space, a threshold – a doorway of some kind, an ‘in-between’ space between outside and inside, one room and another, or between summer and winter, night and dark, and therefore symbolically, between Life and Death. Being half-awake or half-...
reading for a lady who asked me to draw a card about her father. She was worried about him. I drew The Moon and asked about flooding, and she explained that he lived in Bangladesh. His house had been badly flooded the previous month, leaving a lot of damage, and he was in frail ...
on Here Be Dragons by the dark of the Moon The Water Carrier, The Full Wolf Moon and The Lion Tonight, 25 January in Aquarius season, is the first Full Moon of 2024 and this Full Moon is nicknamed the Wolf Moon. At this time of year in northern America and Northern Europe, wolves ...
Loss, sadness or disappointment. No-one escapes these experiences. How we deal with them determines whether we learn something new, and grow bigger and stronger, or whether take things personally, and see ourselves as victims and dwell on our grievances, thereby adding to the damage. ...
The night sky is darker, making the New Moon an ideal time of the month to see other celestial objects more clearly. A solar eclipse is seen when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, blocking Earth’s view of the Sun, totally or partially. This latest one 25 October blocked our...