Jodie Foster earned nominations for directing episodes of both "Orange is the New Black" and "House of Cards," while "Homeland" dominated the drama category with two of the five nominations. Other big names to land nominations include Cary Joji Fukunaga for "True Detective," Louis C.K. for...
True Detective season 1 is one such show that HBO has tried to capitalize on the popularity of since 2014, but has struggled to find that lightning in a bottle again. Created by Nic Pizzolatto, True Detective season 1 is led by Matthew McConaughey as Rust Cohle and Woody Harrelson as ...
True Detective: Night Country has returned to the formula that made season 1 so good – a big factor in the follow-up season's long-awaited success.
The modicum of detective work undertaken by the two leads was largely the product of happenstance. The season finale is more of the same. Danvers and Navarro have the fifth version of the same conversation they've been having since episode two, then they stumble onto a trite resolution of ...
Excellent documentary serie, here you can see that time and effort has been put into it, not a minute is boring, intriguing, exciting storyline, the topics of the episodes are very varied, OF All the true crime story series(same, titles) recently, this one stands out on N°1 . Of th...
'True Detective: Night Country's writer/director could be a clue to its mystery Could 'True Detective: Night Country's tribute to 'The Thing' be a clue for the rest of the season? 'True Detective: Night Country': What's the deal with the spirals?
True Detective: Night Country references to the Tuttles again in episode 5 but it still seems like its nods to season 1's villains are a misdirect.
True Detective: Night Countryepisodes 1-6 are streaming now on Max. Editors’ Recommendations Joker 2’s ending, explained The Boys season 4 ending, explained Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes’ ending, explained Civil War’s ending, explained ...
A six-year old unsolved murder case. A group of missing scientists. Two surly former partners. "True Detective" is back, baby! [SEASON 4, EPISODE 1]