True-Crime Genre Wrestles with Balance in Sharing Stories While Honouring VictimsTrue-crime genre a slippery slope for creators--TORONTO - A recent spate of long-form true-crime...Rose, Lauren La Sun, 15...
True crime is a genre that has taken over, allowing many people who have found themselves curious by these cases have a sense of understanding.With women being the predominant victims in these situations, watching this content allows them a sense of control.It is almost like the more we know...
Charlie, Josh Hallmark (True Crime Bullsh**), and the Captain (True Crime Garage) sit down to discuss the behind the scenes of podcasting: the good, the bad, and the in between. Disclaimer: This episode contains explicit language and frank discussions of mental health. Find Josh at https...
What are the best true crime documentaries on Netflix? We dug through the platform's archives to find the best crime docs streaming now. Grab the remote and get your fix.
pointLong Shotis a fairly routine true-crime doc, but it finds it groove when Catalan picks up high-profile lawyer Todd Melnik, and they try to back up his alibi: He was at a Dodgers game with his daughter the night of the murder. And soLong Shotgoes to the tape and starts breaking...
“When I first jumped into podcasting I realized that there weren’t a lot of investigative journalists doing long form storytelling and investigations in podcasting. We had a lot of people that were doing sort of amateur sleuthing and coming from the documentary space but, I was really looking...
True Crime: Directed by Clint Eastwood. With Clint Eastwood, Isaiah Washington, LisaGay Hamilton, James Woods. Can an over-the-hill journalist uncover the evidence that can prove a death row inmate's innocence just hours before his execution?
When future historians look back at the so-called golden age of podcasting, they’ll likely point out that true crime was the engine that boosted the medium into the stratosphere. We list the 10 best shows in the genre.
Some are formatted like longform stories that feel like reading a great mystery, others add a little humor as the hosts talk over the details, and still others let you get in on the fun by doing your own investigation alongside the experts. If you consider yourself a "crime junkie," you...