The True Cost Of Owning A Car Everyone knows that cars are expensive. In addition to the cost of acquisition, there's maintenance, insurance and the ever-increasing cost of gasoline. We all know that those costs add up, but few of us know exactly how
Can you afford owning a dog or cat? Dogs and cats are expensive. Many people don’t understand the total cost of owning a dog or cat and only think about the cost of pet food. Unfortunately, that’s all most people think about, and I am always shocked by that. You will need to...
Costs of Owning a Car. (cover story)The article reports on the five-year car ownership costs unveiled by automated-data firm Vincentric for the 2013 models in which the Nissan Versa S was found as the cheapest while Kia Forte LX was determined to be of better value....
The housing bust has made owning a home a lot more affordable -- but in some places, prices are extraordinary; you can buy a nice condo for less than the cost of a new family car. 房产价格的下降已经使更多的家庭负担得起拥有自己的房产 - 但在一些地方,价格已经降得有些离谱:你可以用比一辆...
Owning a piece of automotive history is no small thing, and stateside JDM fans could be marking the coming weeks and months before the Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 could finally be showcased and driven freely on American roads. What it all boils down to, however, is that a serious infatuation...
out the property. Unfortunately, if your property is vacant, you can say goodbye to the stream ofpassive income. What’s even worse is that there will be additional costs that come just from owning the property. In this article, we will examine the true cost of holding an empty property....
We also encourage you to think about Model S ownership in terms of true out of pocket cost. When considering the savings from using electricity instead of gasoline, depreciation benefits, and other factors, buyers can save hundreds of dollars per month compared to owning a gasoline powered car....
Many skaters dream of owning modern, beautifully decorated skis instead of Basic Skateboards. Additionally, owning a True Skates collection is the ultimate goal of many skateboard enthusiasts. These decks come with special areas that can be unlocked with skateboarding courses.#...
Or if you live in a region where public transportation is good, then use it in lieu of owning a car. 或者如果你生活在公共交通发达的地方的话,那么就利用公共交通而不要买车。 23. 32kb On the Zapp family's never-ending road trip, the car serves as tent, home, school, kitchen and tra...
To reduce the cost of owning a car you can start with the car itself. Buying smaller cars will allow you to save money on gas right away. From there, constantly check for the best insurance rates and make sure you're getting the best deal you can. You can also drive less if possible...