The Coronaviruses (“pestilences” in the Bible) were predicted. Also predicted is the horrible TRIBULATION, including an 8 hour WAR. (In the Bible: RUSSIA is Magog, and the USA is the land shadowing with wings.) One‐fourth of the world′s population shall die as a result. Open your...
The Coronaviruses (“pestilences” in the Bible) were predicted. Also predicted is the horrible TRIBULATION, including an 8 hour WAR. (In the Bible: RUSSIA is Magog, and the USA is the land shadowing with wings.) One‐fourth of the world′s population shall die as a result. Open your...
The Coronaviruses (“pestilences” in the Bible) were predicted. Also predicted is the horrible TRIBULATION, including an 8 hour WAR. (In the Bible: RUSSIA is Magog, and the USA is the land shadowing with wings.) One‐fourth of the world′s population shall die as a result. Open your...
The Coronaviruses (“pestilences” in the Bible) were predicted. Also predicted is the horrible TRIBULATION, including an 8 hour WAR. (In the Bible: RUSSIA is Magog, and the USA is the land shadowing with wings.) One‐fourth of the world′s population shall die as a result. Open your...
The true symbolic Christian bible code of the old and the new testaments. This is the real holy code of the scriptures, not a statistical hoax
The Coronaviruses (“pestilences” in the Bible) were predicted. Also predicted is the horrible TRIBULATION, including an 8 hour WAR. (In the Bible: RUSSIA is Magog, and the USA is the land shadowing with wings.) One‐fourth of the world′s population shall die as a result. Open your...
The bible is written in a symbolic, cryptic & numerical code. Most accounts have at least one greater symbolic meaning.
NKJV Chronological Study Bible Notes Plus 20 entries Study Bibles ESV Global Study Bible Plus 18 entries ESV Reformation Study Bible 34 entries King James Study Bible Notes Plus 36 entries NASB Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible Notes Plus 5 entries NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible Plus 35...
it is instructive and illuminating to consider the types of people who became its first followers. This gives a clue as to the degree of credibility it possessed at a time when the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the chronological contemporaries of Jesus were still alive- that is, while...
It maintains and independent identity, marking off one of the greatest period in the history of Israel.AngelYeshivaHayyimYeshivaJewish Bible QuarterlyHayyim, Angel, `"There is no Chronological Order in the Torah": An Axiom for Understanding the Book of Joshua', JBQ 36/1 (2008), 3-11....