茫茫人海中迷失了方向 許多煩惱與苦難 找不到人能依靠 環境如此險惡 夢想若有似無 看不到前方的路 有一個故事訴說著希望 耶穌來到了世上 為了改變我生命 這個大好消息 臨到了我和你 這就是聖誕節的真諦 祂的降生 賜下豐盛的應許 祂的降生 帶來平安與盼望 挪去一切的重擔 寶血洗淨我生命 祂的愛無條件充滿我...
Christmas or Christmas Day is a holiday observed generally on December 25 to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity. Merry christmas. Christmas is the main Festivity of the year; we can better define it as a period of a series of celebrations starting from t...
WITH two days to go until Christmas, the present shopping frenzy is nearly over, the fairy lights are shining on Christmas trees and children are waiting with excitement to see what Father Christmas brings. But amid the preparations, have we lost sight of the festival's Christian meaning? LUCY...
The true meaning of Christmas is found inThe American Magazine(1889). I quote: Christmas calls on Christians “to give up one’s very self – to think only of others – how to bring the greatest happiness to others.” That, in turn, demands sacrifice. For Christ’s journey itself was a...
Pony Guest Bears True Meaning of Christmas; Parade Stresses Christian MessageByline: BY PAULA OWENS Daily Post StaffDaily Post (Liverpool, England)
There is a reason certain Christmas movies stand the test of time and return year after year, and also a reason the Hallmark-style factory-made product is easily forgotten. It’s a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, A Charlie Brown Christmas and A Christmas Story are pure examples of the form...
This certainly doesn’t mean we instantly become perfect, but it does mean we now have the ability within to conquer those sins which once had a master of us. QUESTION:Are you missing out on the realJOYof Christmas because you haven’t received the trueGIFTof Jesus’ pardon of your sins...
Add carols to your family gathering around the Christmas tree. The True Meaning of Christmas The Christmas Blue Pages is a resource created to help families and individuals recapture the true "reason for the season" of celebrating the birth of Christ ...
At the end they optimistically talk about stars and daughters and life energies, and Marty smiles upon Cohle and Cohle smiles upon the universe, and Marty, having learned the true meaning of Christmas, skips off to go get the car.
帮我翻译下面的文章 一定要准确语言For many people Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas needs to be unwrapped so that you can understand the true meaning behind the day.Many Chinese believe everyone in Western cou