As an example of contemporary interpretation of violence to the self, I take the case of the false self as defined by Winnicott (1960). Some psychiatrists observe a link between false self-behavior and religious commitment. This essay considers how Pauls letters could encourage this kind of ...
At times this caution inhibits therapists' access to the sort of spontaneous experience Winnicott has in mind when he speaks of psychotherapy as "directed toward bringing the patient from a state of not being able to play into a state of being able to play" (Winnicott, 1971, p. 38).doi:...
This life style is believed to be the result of very early adaptations to pathological parental needs which interfered with psychosocial development and identity formation. It is suggested that Winnicott's theory of ego distortion in terms of True and False Self provides a useful conceptual framework...
In the article, I highlight that working with such patients requires the analyst to carefully examine countertransference and to fully mourn the illusion created in the analytic process. I also reflect on the categories of true and false self, pondering the possibility of moving beyo...
In this article the author employs Winnicott's concept of the true and false self to analyze a verbatim transcript of an audiotaped session from the late middle phase of a 3 1/2 year psychotherapy with a young man. Through the metaphor of struggles with his weight, this client expresses ...
W. Winnicott’s “True Self/False Self” conceptualization. We then present three patients’ wise baby dreams to show how these trauma theories can be used in dream interpretation and how dream interpretation can support them.Faith Bethelard...
false selfintersubjectivitypathological accomodationsubjectivityEnabling my patients to recognize contexts that do not support and sustain the expression of their emotional experiences, as well as encourage their ability to speak about the ways that I affect them are central tenants of my clinical ...