O’Reilly’s did what they promised and the Valerie Jarrett Admin is a bunch of anti-American assho….. wait, we knew that last part. I’m pretty sad that Castro died. I mean, he should have been gnawed to death by starving raccoons or been burned to death in a pile of donkey sh...
Only the trials and tribulations of the anti-hero Alex; performed to perfection by the legendary Malcolm McDowell, and his Droogs as they go out for a night about town after a taste of Synthemesc for a little bit of the old ultra-violence, and in out, seems playful compared to current ...
Il vous incombe de tenir vos coordonnées à jour, d'examiner les alertes et de prendre les mesures recommandées pour réduire le risque de toute autre utilisation abusive de vos données. Nous ne garantissons pas que nos recommandations empêcheront une telle utilisation abusive. En outre, ...
Archimedes is most well-known for one specific idea that he came up with. "Archimede’s Principle" states that a solid object which is immersed in a liquid is pushed up by a force which is equal to the weight of the water that the object moves. For example, if you put a piec...
Tap to play GIF Screen Gems 16. “What was a situation where you realized ‘Oh shit, I’M the asshole here?'” "Way too many people try to give me a clearly made-up story, or one where they still come out as the hero in the end somehow. A few will tell a story where ...