Join us and make your ATS & ETS2 real, race, single player, multiplayer miles count. All miles count! In addition to all of the weekly trucking convoys that we host, we also attend other events each month such as truck shows, TMP events, SCS events, and other VTC's events. We also...
6-每个驱动程序必须使用最新游戏版本ETS2和ATS7-每名员工每月最低行驶里程为2万公里8-驱动程序使用TrucksBook Client义务所有你的驾驶记录到:所有驾驶订单和MP9-禁止使用任何形式作弊10-驾驶员必须使用公司前缀Dragon Freigh必须使用公司皮肤11-行驶时速不得超过100KM/H12-未遵守这些规则公司管理层有权解雇 想加入我们?...
HKEY_USERS\%ID-USER-SID%\Software\TrucksBook\\ets2atsmp new registry key parameter created HKEY_USERS\%ID-USER-SID%\Software\TrucksBook\\CL_M new registry key parameter created HKEY_USERS\%ID-USER-SID%\Software\TrucksBook\\CL_X new registry key parameter created HKEY_USERS\%ID-USER-SID...