Confirm the uninstall by pressing the Uninstall button. Advanced Uninstaller PRO will uninstall TrucksBook Client version After removing TrucksBook Client version 1.3.3, Advanced Uninstaller PRO will ask you to run an additional cleanup. Press Next to go ahead with the cleanup....
TrucksBook Client version 1.2.2 is normally installed in the C:\Program Files (x86)\TrucksBook Client directory, depending on the user's decision. C:\Program Files (x86)\TrucksBook Client\unins000.exe is the full command line if you want to uninstall TrucksBook Client version 1.2.2...
1.龙(中国)虚拟货运公司运作管理运用TrucksBook Client应用程序系统来保持高效率运作和管理虚拟货运公司,Trucksbook是玩家使用欧洲卡车模拟2和美国卡车模拟的虚拟公司系统。 2.虚拟公司可以在Trucksbook查询司机行驶日志(对司机工作交付有一个很好的概述!司机工作交付的每一项细节,司机可以查看在地图上的路线图和行驶速度) 3...
%SystemDrive%\Users\Public\Documents\TB Client\zasilky.txt new file created HKEY_USERS\%ID-USER-SID%\Software\TrucksBook\\language new registry key parameter created HKEY_USERS\%ID-USER-SID%\Software\TrucksBook\\quit new registry key parameter created HKEY_USERS\%ID-USER-SID%\Software\Truck...