“But singling out trucks to carry all the weight is discriminatory." Earlier this month, the OOIDA sent a letter to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance saying any proposals that would impose a truck-only, vehicle miles traveled tax are a “no go.” Still, 53% of Americans support the...
The ATA/Road Safe America letter pointed the advances in driver-assistance safety technologies since a2016 rulemaking proposal that called for a speed limiter rule. That proposal from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration would have required all...
In aletterto the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the American Trucking Associations and Owner Operator Independent Driver Association agreed that fatal injuries to truckers could be reduced 23% if cab structural integrity was improved sufficiently to prevent crushing in rollovers. When the...
a group representing brokers, sent a letter to members recommending that when faced with trucker requests for transparency, “to explain that if they do this, that you will be unable to load them with any shipper freight requiring confidentiality, and that represents ‘X’ percent of your availa...