DriverLogBooks - A Trucking Company Resources - From log books to driver vehicle inspection report to training and security and cargo securement
Usually, truck drivers need just a GED or a traditional high school diploma. But here’s what counts: every certificate, diploma, or additional training you’ve completed could be the deciding factor. This might just be what gets recruiters to call you instead of someone else. Check out ...
Truck operator log books Maintenance records Truck inspections Company training and hiring practices The driver’s accident record Dashcams EDRs, or event data recorders Expert witnesses Video and photographs Witness testimony Scene reconstruction
When the Driver Cheats on Logbooks In other 18-wheeler accident cases, actions such as falsifying logbooks to drive more miles or truck companies putting to work unqualified and inexperienced drivers, allowing an out-of-service vehicle to be used on our roadways can lead to the potential for...
Updating log books Reading maps Servicing your vehicle Planning long-haul trips Weight scales Pre-trip inspections Other mechanical knowledge that you can’t learn elsewhere When you’re behind the wheel on our expansive private driving courses, our students learn how to: Perform backing, straight ...
fatigued truck drivers pulling a 13 hour shift in order to make a professional wage and meet tight deadlines How many semi trucks on the highway are operating despite failed roadside inspections Which drivers have cheated on their Hours of Service logbooks Even with these frightening scenarios and...
Maintain accurate, up-to-date driver logbooks to comply with HOS regulations and improve safety. From $10 Apply IFTA Simplify fuel tax reporting with our IFTA management services to stay compliant. From $30 Accounting Financial management tailored for trucking businesses, including invoicing, collectio...
I'm looking for drivers with: -at least 5 years tractor trailer experience with CGVW 80,000 lbs -MUST be able to read and write in English -Must know about HOS(Hours of service), weight limitation, trailer restrictions, pretrips, log books etc ...
Log truck transportation challenges and innovative solutions: evaluating the perspectives of truck drivers, logging business owners, and forestersCarley R. D. KnightView further author informationM. Chad Boldingbolding@uga.edu
Truck drivers play an essential role in the world economy, but life isn’t easy for them. Drivers face a wide variety of issues and challenges that affect both them and the industry as a whole. For example, trucker issues contributed to the driver shortage, as qualified drivers leave the ...