Have a Maintenance Checklist The last thing you want while driving down icy roads is a breakdown. Make sure your rig is in top condition before driving to jobs in colder climates by following a winterized maintenance checklist. Colder weather makes batteries drain faster, so make sure your truc...
Checklist,whichcanbemodifiedasnecessarytofit •Allwarningsandinstructionsmustbereadand youroperation. understoodbeforeusingtheequipment. •EquipmentmustbeinspectedbyaqualifiedpersonWARNING:Periodicmaintenanceofthistruckbya onaregularbasis.QUALIFIEDTECHNICIANisrequired. •DonotoperatethistruckuntilyouhavecheckeditsCAU...
6. Better fleet maintenance systems A big part of managing truck drivers is also making sure that they are taking care of their vehicles. Vehicles should be routinely checked for maintenance and service issues. Not only is this essential for the safety of the drivers, but it is also necessary...
Track-POD also works as a safety management software by offering vehicle check features as part of the driver app. The way it works is the following. A fleet manager or dispatcher builds a vehicle anddriver safety checklistin their web dashboard. Then, they make vehicle checks obligatory befor...
Truck Maintenance 101: How to Keep Your Fleet Running Smoothly Whether you have a delivery business or a construction company, truck maintenance should be included in your top priorities. Besides the obvious safety benefits, proper vehicle care, including engine cleaner… Read More … Truck Mainten...
Maximize vehicle uptime with predictive maintenance solutions Powerful data, powerful insights Take advantage of patented technology to transform data into insights View and segment data the way you need it with unfiltered access to all of the data collected ...
At Maxim, we run 15 service shops that conduct over 1,000 CVIPs annually on trucks, trailers, and buses across Canada, and we offer mobile maintenance services as well. We’ve created this first article in a series of articles to come to better explain this crucial component to the ...
1.Sitinthedriver’sseatandstarttheengine. 2-3 PLANNEDMAINTENANCE 2.Disengagetheparkbrake. 3.Verifythattheforkliftturnsleftandrightwitha relativelysmooth,easymotion. 4.Turnthesteeringwheelcompletelytotheright(afull right-handturn). 5.Turnthesteeringwheelcompletelytotheleft (counterclockwise)whilecountingthe...
AtTA Truck Servicewe offer the most comprehensive preventive maintenance on the interstate. Whether it’s time for an oil change or you are in between intervals, our professional technicians are ready to service your truck. Check back often for new preventive promotions and offers. ...
A fully loaded, tractor trailer is a giant piece of machinery. When you put something like that on the road at speeds of 60 miles an hour or more, anything that might get in its way will be demolished within seconds. And if you throw in the growing problem of driver fatigue – those...