Chronic diseases in United States emphasise lifestyle choices' role in their development. It delves into the significance of education, awareness, and proactive measures in combating these conditions. The presentation features compelling statistics highl
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Demand for clean hydrogen energy is projected to reach $500 billion by 2030 and grow 5-FOLD by 2050. No guarantees, but three companies are quietly getting the jump on their competition. Zacks Investment Research is temporarily offering an urgent Special Report naming and explaining these emerging...
The participants performed tracheal intubations using both TruView and MAC on a pediatric manikin in a control scenario (A), chest compression scenario (B), and chest compression cervical stabilization scenario (C). The sequence of scenarios was randomized. The primary outcome was time to ...
Many in vitro liver models utilize cryopreserved primary human hepatocytes (PHHs), which commonly undergo post-thaw processing through colloidal silica gradients to remove debris and enrich for a viable PHH population. Post-thaw processing effects on healthy PHHs are partially understood, but the ...