Click to Enlarge The second generation of the buffered fix was to get the 3 problem signals off the cable altogether. So they came up with the fix. In that case they modified the CPU to have a 6-pin DIN cable with 3 twisted wire pairs on it. In the EI they added a matching 6-pi...
a Table providing Star Match, based on Indian and HinduAstrology, is given; Also,star Matchingwith a computerized programme, is provided for those who want to download it (This free applet programme is provided in thematrimonialsection, where only members who have posted their matrimonial profile...
trs Star Here are 9 public repositories matching this topic... Language: All jrnelson90 / tinderboxpedal Star 73 Code Issues Pull requests Bluetooth "Universal Remote" Footpedal for Digital Guitar Amps, on ESP32 or Pi Zero W python raspberry-pi iot amp esp32 guitar diy pedal bass amplifier...
Substitute GitHub secrets, env, variables into a File, matching on a specified Token format. Use cases You have configuration files that contain tokens that need to be replaced with values from GitHub Secrets, Environment Variables or any other source. ...
Tandy had to change all of their BIOS ROMs to enter and exit subroutines in the Tandy 1000 BIOS with a sequence other than the traditional PUSH AX/PUSH BX/PUSH CX/PUSH DX/PUSH DI/PUSH SI and the matching POP SI/POP DI/ POP DX/POP CX/POP BX/POP AX because IBM happened to use thi...
A rewrite rule is an equation, s = t, and is interpreted as follows: any term matching the pattern described by s can be rewritten according to the pattern described by t. Together S and R define a TRS that describes a system of computation, which can be considered as a sort of ...
Switches out startup, connect chimes, and error/warning sounds for Star Wars sounds Updates OnBot Java to use a WebSocket for communication with the robot The OnBot Java page no longer has to do a full refresh when a user switches from editing one file to another Known issues: Camera St...
Here are 16 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All Sort:Most stars hackerb9/Tandy-Terminfo Star26 UNIX terminfo for TRS-80 Model 100 and Tandy 200 allowing screen control for TELCOM terminfotermcapvt52tandytrs80telcomm100t102trs80m100t200model100tandy200tandy102 ...
Here are 16 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All Sort:Fewest stars cquest/trs80_archives Star0 TRS80 BASIC programs archive vintagetandy80strs80 UpdatedMay 6, 2017 Visual Basic theflynn49/JV3toJV1 Star0 Code Issues